Zone of Genius

September 7, 2023

Tap into what it looks and feels like to be in your true “Zone of Genius.”

This post is an excerpt from our "Zone of Genius" exercise, available to members in our Transitions Council.

Get access to the full exercise by emailing!


In a world where we are often juggling multiple jobs and/or versions of ourselves, it can be challenging to reflect on the kinds of experiences, relationships, projects, or professional work that filled us up and led to accomplishments we’re most proud of.

This exercise will help you develop a sense of clarity and confidence in what kinds of experiences help you to feel most in your zone of genius:

Identify eight specific experiences across your entire life that you:

  1. Enjoyed doing (it was fun and satisfying)
  2. Believe you did well

These may be related to work, home, leisure, projects, or relationships.

Keep in mind:

Focus on the highlights in your life, regardless of when they occurred. Perhaps all your memorable experiences occurred before you were twenty years old. You don’t need to spread them out.

Identify what was important to you, not what other people might think was important.

Relate specific achievement experiences, not general ones.

Think about:

How did you get involved?

Elaborate on what you actually did.

What was particularly enjoyable, fulfilling, or satisfying?

What skills, abilities or talents did you use?


Now, turn this reflection into action with our Transferable Skills exercise. Email for access.