Limiting Beliefs
We'll cover what effective managers do differently. Participants will define their management goals and shift the limiting beliefs that hold back their best leadership.
Making Feedback Less Painful & More Meaningful
This session tackles management's biggest challenge: feedback. Participants learn to give and receive both positive and negative feedback with ease using provided frameworks
Uncovering Your Blindspots & The Art of Influence
Learn the secret to influencing across levels and eliminate communication blind spots in management. This session includes a personalized DISC assessment for impactful influence.
Coaching Fundamentals
Most managers think they need all answers, but they don't. Learn coaching, an underutilized skill that empowers teams with empathetic listening and honest questioning.
Delegating & Adapting Your Management Style
Managers often under-delegate despite their workload. This session teaches Task Relevant Maturity and Situational Management frameworks for effective delegation based on individuals' abilities.
Creating Psychological Safety & Healthy Conflict
Conflict is crucial for problem-solving, but its expression varies. Learn four symptoms of toxic conflict and ways to establish psychological safety and healthy conflict for productive teams.