About Us
Becoming the Grandest Version of Ourselves
We’re called The Grand because we envision a future where everyone can rise to their full potential. Our mission is to make that a reality and to build a world where no one feels alone. Through our group coaching, we create a supportive space for vulnerability and honesty, guiding everyone to overcome challenges and embrace their grandest selves.
Why Coaching
Coaching is a Vehicle for Growth
We believe great coaches transport you from where you are to where you aspire to be, helping you unlock answers from your own inner wisdom.
Coaching Creates Space for Reflection & Practice
We know that the so-called “soft skills” are actually the most critical for success as a leader. Developing social and emotional intelligence requires support, dedication, & practice.
Group Coaching Offers a Kaleidoscope of Perspectives
Every day, we see the power of peer insights illuminating challenges, uncovering blind spots, and reframing leadership journeys.