Comparing Learning & Development Approaches: Group Coaching vs. Conventional Methods

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Investing in measurable, effective leadership training for your employees takes time, energy, and budget. If you're in HR or talent development, you know the challenge. One-on-one coaching is expensive and hard to sustain, one-off trainings tend to be easily forgotten, and eLearning modules can feel more like ticking boxes than true development. The result? Leaders at your company are often left feeling isolated and unsupported, despite being eager to make an impact.

That’s where The Grand’s group coaching comes in. We’ve designed our approach to overcome the common pitfalls of traditional leadership training:

Expert Coaches
Our seasoned executive coaches facilitate each group from start to finish, adapt to the needs of the cohort, and ensure a cohesive experience.

Peer Cohorts
Participants join a group of peers, allowing them to learn together, build lasting relationships, and reduce the isolation that can come from being in a new role, a leadership role, or being an “only” in the room.

Proven Outcomes
Our programs are designed to support meaningful leadership outcomes while remaining flexible to your company’s needs. Our all-in-one platform and reporting tools mean you can track participant milestones as they progress through the program.

Active Participation
Unlike passive training methods, our approach emphasizes hands-on learning, with participants applying new skills in a safe, supportive peer environment. Participants gain, share, and internalize insights quickly in a group setting.


Comparing Group Coaching to Other Conventional Methods

eLearning Modules: Convenient but Lacking

eLearning modules have their place. They’re cost-effective, scalable, and flexible. However, they often lack engagement, leading to superficial learning. The content is usually generic and easily forgotten, offering limited return on investment.

eLearning Pros

  • Affordable and Scalable: eLearning is a budget-friendly way to train a large audience at once. It’s a convenient tool for HR, ensuring everyone gets the same training.
  • Flexible and Convenient: Employees can do the training on their own time, making it easy for HR to roll out without much hassle.
  • Easy to Track: With built-in checkpoints and assessments, it’s simple to monitor progress and see how the training is working within your budget.

eLearning Cons

  • Lack of Engagement: People often don’t take eLearning seriously, which means they’re not really learning.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Content: The training is usually generic, so it’s easy for employees to forget what they learned since it doesn’t always feel relevant.
  • Questionable ROI: While eLearning can be valuable when used right, relying too much on it can actually reduce its effectiveness and the return on your investment.

Why Choose Group Coaching Over eLearning

Our live sessions are engaging and interactive, led by expert executive coaches who are also skilled operators and can speak your team’s language. Participants practice what they learn through Clarity Council, our signature group coaching experience, and provide each other with the support and connection needed to thrive in their roles. 


Lecture-Based Training: Insightful but Short-Lived

Lecture-based training can be impactful—when it’s done right. Delivered by an expert, it can provide in-depth information in a real-world context. However, these sessions are often one-off sessions, with limited opportunities for follow-up, leading to low material retention.

Lecture-Based Training Pros

  • Efficient Delivery of Detailed Info: Lecture-based training is great for quickly covering a lot of specialized information. For new leaders, getting all those important details upfront can be crucial for staying on top of key initiatives.
  • Face-to-Face Interaction: Since these sessions are usually live with experts leading the way, new leaders can ask questions on the spot and get immediate answers.
  • Tailored Content: Unlike cookie-cutter eLearning modules, lecture-based training can be customized on the fly to fit your organization’s specific needs, making it more relevant.

Lecture-Based Training Cons

  • Passive Learning: Even with a live presenter, there’s often limited time for interaction or practice, so participants might just end up sitting and absorbing without much hands-on experience.
  • Information Overload: These sessions can be packed with content, and it’s easy for participants to feel overwhelmed, which means they might not retain everything.
  • No Follow-Up: Once the session is over, that’s it—there’s usually little opportunity for participants to revisit the material or ask additional questions later on.

Why Choose Group Coaching Over Lecture-Based Training

Our 12-week programs allow leaders to absorb and practice what they’ve learned over time, building strong peer relationships that support their growth long after the program ends. Your company benefits from a stronger, more engaged group of leaders with a shared language for excellence. 


Internal Mentorship Programs: Personalized but Inconsistent

Internal mentorship programs can be valuable, leveraging the experience of senior leaders. However, these programs often lack consistency and structure, and not all leaders are natural mentors. While some pairs may get lucky and be a great matchup, the result can be an inconsistent development experience that leaves employees feeling like their participation isn’t a value-add on either end.

Internal Mentorship Pros

  • Tapping into Experience: Senior leaders know your company inside and out, and they can pass on that knowledge to new leaders, giving them valuable insights.
  • Building Relationships: Training sessions create opportunities for both seasoned and new leaders to connect, helping to strengthen relationships and build a supportive workplace culture.
  • Personalized Guidance: Working closely with new leaders allows mentors to offer tailored advice and help them identify growth opportunities, setting the stage for their future success.

Internal Mentorship Cons

  • Depends on Willing Mentors: Not every leader is cut out to be a mentor, and some might not be interested in taking on that role. If the right mentors aren’t available, the program—and the new leaders—can suffer.
  • Inconsistent Training: Without a solid structure, the quality and consistency of mentorship can vary, which might leave new leaders with a less-than-ideal training experience.
  • Time and Resource Heavy: Effective mentorship takes a lot of time and effort from both the mentors and the organization, which can strain resources and impact everyone’s performance.
  • Can Feel Informal: If the program feels too casual or doesn’t have strong organizational backing, new leaders might not take it seriously, which could limit the program’s effectiveness.

Why Choose Group Coaching Over Internal Mentorship Programs

We provide structure and consistency, with expert facilitators guiding the process. Our programs are designed with input from your organization to ensure that all leaders receive the same high-quality training. Participants self-select into each cohort, creating an engaged group of employees who are eager to make the most of each session. 


Third-Party Coaching: Specialized but Hard to Scale

Third-party coaching can offer valuable, personalized support for new leaders, particularly when it comes to mental health. However, this approach is often expensive and difficult to scale across an organization.

Third-Party Coaching Vendor Pros

  • Expert Advice from an Outside Perspective: Third-party coaches bring specialized expertise and an outsider's viewpoint, which can be really helpful for new leaders dealing with the emotional challenges of their roles.
  • Leaders Feel Supported: Bringing in external mental health experts shows your organization recognizes the emotional pressures new leaders face. It’s a clear signal that you care about their overall well-being, making them feel valued and supported.

Third-Party Coaching Vendor Cons

  • Expensive and Hard to Scale: One-on-one coaching from third-party vendors can get pricey, and because it’s so personalized, it’s tough to offer the same level of support to a larger group.
  • Inconsistent and Hard to Mesh with Existing Programs: Different coaches have different methods, which can make the experience uneven across your team. This variability can also make it challenging to fit their approach into your existing leadership development programs.
  • More of a Personal Perk than Leadership Training: Since these sessions often focus on personal well-being, they can be seen as a perk rather than a part of leadership development, which might limit their impact on professional growth.

Why Choose Group Coaching Over Third-Party Coaching Vendors

Our group coaching blends personal and professional development, with collaborative cohorts that build long-term support networks. Leaders gain the skills they need to succeed while also addressing the emotional challenges of their roles.


Conclusion: The Grand’s Group Coaching—The Complete Package

Many organizations invest heavily in hiring top leadership talent but fall short when it comes to ongoing development. While there’s a place for eLearning, lectures, mentorship, and third-party coaching, these methods also have their limitations.

The Grand’s group coaching programs fill the gaps, offering consistent, engaging, and effective training. Our experienced facilitators customize each program to meet your organization’s needs, ensuring that new leaders are well-prepared to thrive in their roles and in their lives.

Want to learn more about how group coaching can benefit your organization? Contact us and let's amplify the impact your leaders can make.